Please contact me if you have not received your order 1-2 weeks after shopping!


"Can I refund my order?"

Yes! Refunds are accepted. If the order wasn't what you were expecting, you can ask for a refund and return the items in the order.

"My order was shipped and never delivered, what do I do?"

If your order hasn't been received in 1-2 weeks after shipping, please email me a screenshot of your order number and I'll send another package.

"How long does shipping take?"

These orders are mailed as quickly as I get my orders. if you live in America, the orders should arrive in 3-5 days. (It's also possible that it may come later.) International orders may take up to 12-15 days to arrive.

"Do you ship internationally?"

Yes! However, I don't ship internationally on my big cartel site anymore since I got problems that occur. But I also have a Etsy shop with the same products that I do international shipping with!